This guide tells in anecdotes and solid information EXACTLY how to talk with a police officer when stopped at a checkpoint, traffic violation, suspected DWI/DUI, street protests, or other suspected activities involving an officer and your constitutional rights. This book combats an individual’s lack of knowledge with a fully detailed explanation ensuring that readers will know what to do and how to do it when a cop is trying to trap them with their own words and actions; not letting that happen.
A Toast to Silence details the many ways in which deception is used against you when stopped by the police. As an interesting read, it gives helpful instruction to avoid the sticky web that deceptive cops will use to trap citizens. Even if someone has never found themselves in a situation where the right to silence would save them, this book will still be an informative and thought provoking read. The knowledge and insight readers will gain can help counter the widespread, media fueled misinformation about their constitutional rights during a police encounter.